Dale McClure Floyd, M.Ed., CCC-SLP
Owner, Speech-Language Pathologist
Certified in Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders: 2021, #406, IAOM

Dale McClure Floyd, M.Ed., CCC-SLP earned a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from The University of Georgia. With 25 years of experience in speech-language pathology, including working in the public school system and early intervention, as well as private practice, she now focuses her therapy services on orofacial myofunctional disorders.
Dale, a two-time recipient of the Award for Continuing Education (ACE), is credentialed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and is licensed by the Georgia Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology. She is also a member of the Georgia Speech-Language-Hearing Association (GSHA) and the American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology (AAPPSPA).
Advanced Trainings & Certifications

Earned certification in Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders through the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) in 2021.
Compton PESL
SOS Approach to Feeding
Beckman Oral Motor Program
Food Chaining
Talk Tools Oral Placement Therapy
Lindamood Bell LiPS Program